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“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been known.”   (1 Corinthians 13: 12)

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said “Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see.” This illustrates so beautifully that God is larger than anything we could ever imagine. We try to define that which God is and yet however we endeavor to do that we will always come up short; God is always so much more. Let us remember that as we come to God in prayer. Let us affirm that no matter what may be going on in our lives, or in the lives of our loved ones, that God is capable of handling that situation. Let us not limit God by the limits of our own minds, our own beliefs. Let us pour out your hearts to God and know that God can provide, abundantly, so much more than we could ever begin to imagine. Let us affirm that we recognize the answers to our prayers as they occur, for without this recognition we run the risk of missing our miracles. And then, let us be thankful that although God is everywhere and in everything, that we can recognize God showing up in our lives in new and exciting ways each day.

I believe it is so true that we should never limit our lives based on our history.  Our history is just our history, is not an indicator of the way things must now always be for us.  It is our faith in an unconditionally loving God that overrides precedent in our lives.  Our faith reminds us, and leads us, to new understanding of how Spirit/God is moving us forward in answering our prayers in more magnificent ways than we could ever imagine.  If we limit God to what we have experienced before few miracles can occur in our lives.  Believe that God can create new vision in your life, believe that God can move you from where you are to where you want to be, and your experience of that Spirit within, that is filling you with glorious light and God-energy, will soon catch up with your belief.  The shadow is just a shadow, but the reality is always so much more.  Belief is the seed from which miracles happen.

God is always a God of new beginnings. Because that is what God does.  God creates and God continues to create in, and through, and as, each and every one of us as our awareness and our willingness to co-create with God becomes our deepest desire.  Because God’s presence flows continually to us creation is just the natural flow of things.

You wouldn’t turn your radio dial to a hard rock station if you wanted to hear classical music.  Like dialing a radio to the station we wish to hear let us atune our faith to God through prayer, meditation, affirmation and trust and know that we are blessed immeaserably at ever moment.

Affirmation: “Beyond words, beyond thoughts, into the absolute stillness, I rest in the presence of God.  Creation abounds in my life and each new beginning is glorious.

Rev. Jefferson Beeker


We live our lives one thought at a time. Let each of those thoughts really count for something wonderful.

Be prepared to change your thinking and change your life.

Follow me on Twitter @jeffersonbeeker